World Stage Design 2017 Taipei - Taiwan

Taiwan, Taipei

The Indian and Pacific Oceans share a vast, ancient and little known heritage, spanning 5,000 years and covering over half the Earth’s surface. Artist Tim Cole and producer BaoBao Chen have spent the past eighteen months recording songs and filming with first nation artists on their land, with their guidance, across the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Over a hundred artists have been listening to and sharing songs, adding their musical response, creating a rich and unique cultural synthesis of this vast region. Too precious to lose. In a premiere presentation, Small Island Big Song will bring together artists from Madagascar to Rapa Nui (Easter Island), from Taiwan to Papua New Guinea, in person and in cinematic presence, woven together by “Son et lumière” artist, Tim Cole, in a live cinema experience. (Work in Progress).

Small Island Big Song is a music and film project uniting the Indian and Pacific oceans through songs. It’s also a dream to a couple, two and half years ago, to address current environmental issues and to strenghten indigenous knowledge in this region. The goal is to produce powerful, organic, unique, and authentic artwork, reuniting this region, which share a common heritage and originated from Taiwan 5,000 years ago.

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